The most painful and time-consuming task while designing a website is creating HTML Forms with many different types of input fields.
The form can be a Contact form, Registration form, Feedback form or any other form. Forms can have different types of input fields along with different validation types, error messages and further processing of the form when it is submitted.
Creating it manually every time you need a form is time-consuming and need technical knowledge.
So, here it is “Multi-Purpose Form generator”, an Advance web application that provides an easy Drag & Drop interface to build simple as well as complex forms in matters of seconds.
设计网站时最痛苦和最耗时的任务是创建具有许多不同类型输入字段的 HTML 表单。
该表格可以是联系表格、注册表单、反馈表格或任何其他表格。 表单可以有不同类型的输入字段以及不同的验证类型、错误消息和表单提交时的进一步处理。
所以,这里是“多用途表单生成器”,这是一个高级 Web 应用程序,它提供了一个简单的拖放界面,可以在几秒钟内构建简单和复杂的表单。
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