Crypterion v1.0 – 多功能加密货币交换软件[国外源码]

Crypterion v1.0 - 多功能加密货币交换软件

Crypterion v1.0 – 多功能加密货币交换软件[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃


Crypterion是一个多功能对等,自托管的CryptoCurrency交换平台,具有响应能力强和可自定义的设计。 它支持自托管的钱包(由BitGo Services提供支持),您可以使用该钱包在对等交互交换中提供免费的钱包服务。



P2P Trading

Peer to Peer (P2P) exchange system matches buyers and sellers, with an interactive chat system, users are able to trade with each other. Similar to popular exchange platforms like LocalBitcoin, Paxful, e.t.c. Sellers or Buyers are to set their own prices and payment method they accept, the system does not process the payment methods on behalf of the trading pairs, but depends on a dispute system in the event of conflict of interest. The system serves as an escrow internally to hold the coin on behalf of the trading pairs, and is released upon agreement of both parties. Dispute are expected to be resolved by appointed moderators and after a successful trade, a specified percentage fee is credited to the Super Admin’s account.


Users’ country of origin are identified with their IP addresses. This encourages multi-national trading, and it is used for personalizing search results.


Each users are able to keep catalogues of their most trusted traders. This gives a faster access to their offers, restrict visibility of private offers, e.t.c.

Multi-coin Support

It supports multiple coin system, with which you are able to provide free wallet services to users (powered by BitGo). However, in case you have a preferred crypto API services you would like to use, do send us a customization request, we will respond accordingly.

Platform Customization

It supports a flexible customization system with which you are able to change color patterns to match your brand, choose from 5 of our preset layouts, set a dark or light theme, e.t.c.
Both User Area’s home page and Admin Area’s home page are Widget driven and can be rearranged in your preferred order. New widgets will be added with updates and you are able to enable/disable according to your preference.

Email & SMS Notification

The platform supports both email and sms notification system. Users of the system are allowed to choose which notification they can receive. In the control panel you have the option of setting the messages that should be sent for each notification.

Presence Status

Users presence status are updated in real-time. They can be either online, away or offline at any point in time. This is indicated in their profile page, chat and offer display.

Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication is included to provide an extra layer of security to users. This can be setup with Google Authenticator or Authy application.

Phone & Email Verification

It supports Phone & Email verification, which can be done in user’s settings. More verification system like KYC, AML will be released in one of our next updates.

Multi-language Support

It supports multi-lingual setup which is located in the Control Panel section. This allows you to change language files, add new locales e.t.c. directly in the Control Panel. After changes have been successfully made, users will be able to see the localized version of the system.

Before you purchase, please go through the Official Documentation and make sure that the installation procedure is comprehensive enough. You will not be entitled to a refund as long as the project works as it is described.



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Crypterion v1.0 – 多功能加密货币交换软件[国外源码]

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