MTDb v3.2.2_PHP电影&电视数据库[国外源码]
PDO Extension (enabled by default)
php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
MySQL Database
2020 July 27 – Version 3.2.2
New Features
Only one device can now be allowed to be logged into user account at the same time.
Reduced the time it takes to auto-update title by about 3x.
Titles in a list can now be displayed in either portrait or landscape mode.
Automatically scroll selected season and episode into view when editing title.
Added edit button to title, season, episode and person page (if user has relevant permissions).
User with “titles.edit” permission will now be able to create and edit episodes for that title as well.
Added next and previous buttons to image popup on title page.
Updated Laravel to latest version. MTDb now requires at least PHP 7.2.5 version to work properly.
Updated login, register, forgot password and reset password pages design.
If some server error occurs a more descriptive message will now be shown if user is logged in as admin.
All email templates will now have the same design.
Added separate address for contact page in mail settings page.
Show notification in “settings -> general” page if specified base site url and current url don’t match.
Improved input focus outline design.
Landing page can now be enabled from “admin > settings > general” page.
Google analytics integration will now use newer .json key file instead of .p12
Free plan can now be selected in pricing page and will redirect to sign up page.
Improved contrast for several widgets in dark mode.
Removed “force subscription” setting. Same functionality can now be achieved by removing all permissions from “users” and “guests” roles in admin area.
Bug Fixes
Captions with same name can now be created for different videos.
Placeholders that could not be replaced in SEO tags will now be removed.
Fixed an issue where search page was sometimes limited to 8 results incorrectly.
“Only Streamable” toggle will now correctly only show titles that have videos of “full” category attached.
Cache method changes in settings page will now be properly validated.
Clearing cache will now work if “proc_open” function was disabled on the server.
Make sure text logo does not push login button offsreen.
Always store appearance editor custom css and js locally, regardless of storage method in settings page.
If placeholders can’t be replaced in tags provided in “admin > appearance > seo” page, hide those tags when displaying the page.
A number of other smaller fixes.
2020 May 12 – Version 3.2.1
New Features
Added support for adaptive hls and dash streams (.m3u8, .mpd, .ts etc) with automatic quality and caption selector.
Browse page can now be set as homepage.
Added tags and reviews data tables in admin area.
Video plays are now tracked and the total count can be viewed in videos table in admin area.
Added configurable GDPR cookie notice.
Added configurable confirmation policies to register page.
Added chunked uploading. This allows MTDb to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server max file size limits.
Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage when previewing or downloading files.
Added resumable uploads functionality.
Video and other uploads can now be stored on cloud providers (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc)
Possible video qualities can now be specified from settings page.
Minimum and maximum years can now be specified for release date slider in browse titles page.
Landing page image and overlay color can now be changed from appearance editor.
“Add Credit” modal in edit title page will now show a list of available jobs and departments.
Videos can now be added for a series without selecting a specific season or episode.
Title selector in video modal will now use regular site search for better results accuracy.
Improved genre, keyword and production country management when editing titles.
Local search will now order results by relevance first and then by popularity.
Added “” permission. Users without this permission will be redirected to upgrade page when trying to play a video.
Show 5 episode credits per series in actor filmography by default with a button to show more.
Next video will now be played automatically when player overlay is open and current video ends.
Translation lines can now be removed in “admin > translations” page.
Show more descriptive error message in create video modal.
Redirect user from “billing/pricing” to “billing/upgrade” url if they are already logged in or subscribed.
Close filters sidebar in browse page on mobile by default.
Slugs will now be generated properly for cyrillic and chinese characters.
Billing plans will now be synced automatically when changing paypal or stripe credentials from settings page.
User password can now be changed from admin area.
Increase time period for “next and previous episodes” panel to two weeks from current date (was one week previously).
If title primary video has a thumbnail, use that thumbnail as title video cover image.
Hide title videos panel if there are no videos to show and user can’t add new videos.
Strip title name from automatically imported youtube videos.
Compatibility with latest tmdb and stripe API.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where wrong episode count was shown in edit video modal.
Don’t show news articles in custom pages table in admin area.
Don’t remove old image if there’s no new poster image available on themoviedb.
Fixed a few issues with enabling memcached cache driver.
Clicking related videos in player sidebar will now always correctly load captions.
Titles with accented characters will now work properly in urls.
Corrected a few issues with input texts having low contrast in dark mode.
Adding production countries when editing title will no longer require page reload.
Show age ratings from settings page in edit title page.
Prevent deletion of billing plans if any users are subscribed to them.
Prevent billing plan parent being set to the plan itself.
Properly escape double quotes in page meta description tag.
Don’t show videos in title page if user has no “” permission.
Email confirmation sent via “Resend” button will now contain correct email confirmation url.
Fixed a few issues with syncing filters and url in browse page.
Search bar will now have proper background color on mobile when dark mode is active.
Fixed a few issues with translations.
Properly show landing or homepage preview in appearance editor when relevant menu item is selected.
Public lists can now properly be accessed event without “lists.view” permission.
Don’t disable “onlyStreamable” filter when clicking “movies” or “series” navbar menu items.
Hide reviews tab in title page if user does not have “reviews.view” permission.
Show correct character name in filmography if actor has been in multiple seasons of same show as different character.
Chart legend items will now wrap to new line if there’s not enough space.
A number of other smaller fixes and improvements.
![MTDb v3.2.2_PHP电影&电视数据库[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃 MTDb v3.2.2_PHP电影&电视数据库[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃](
![MTDb v3.2.2_PHP电影&电视数据库[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃 MTDb v3.2.2_PHP电影&电视数据库[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃](
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