SocialProofo v1.7.7_php在线社交信息推送系统[国外源码]

SocialProofo v1.7.7_php在线社交信息推送系统

SocialProofo v1.7.7_php在线社交信息推送系统[国外源码]

SocialProofo v1.7.7_php在线社交信息推送系统[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃


SocialProofo是一个包含市场营销工具,插件和弹出窗口的完全加载的工具包,用于创建FOMO,Social Proof,Engage并保留您的网站访问者。



重复数据条/一次性付款–最新的数据条v3实施(支持SCA)Stripe Recurring / One Time Payments – Latest Stripe v3 implementation ( SCA Ready )
PayPal定期/一次性付款PayPal Recurring / One Time Payments
Facebook登录–可通过管理面板配置的Facebook登录/注册系统。 Facebook Login – Facebook Login / Registration system configurable via the Admin Panel.
帐户设置–用户可以完全管理其帐户设置和当前软件包。 Account Settings – Users can fully manange their account settings and current package.
帐户额外详细信息–用户可以查看与其帐户相关的可用额外详细信息,例如付款清单历史记录。 Account Extra Details – Users can see the extra details available related to their account, such as Payments List History.
续订/更改软件包–用户可以随时续订,升级或取消其当前软件包。 Renew / Change Package – Users can any time renew, upgrade or cancel their current package.
14种包含的站点通知类型 14 Included Site Notification Types
使用Pro Notifications Pack获得额外的10条通知Get an extra 10 notifications with the Pro Notifications Pack
无限广告系列–用户为他们的任何网站域创建广告系列(可以通过管理面板进行限制)。Unlimited Campaigns – Users create Campaigns for any of their website domains ( can be limited via the admin panel ).
无限的通知/小部件–用户为其站点创建通知/小部件(可以通过管理面板进行限制)。Unlimited Notifications / Widgets – Users create Notifications / Widgets for their sites ( can be limited via the admin panel ).
自定义广告系列品牌-用户可以为自己创建的通知设置自己的品牌。 Custom Campaign Branding – Users are able to set their own branding of the notifications that they create.
高度可定制的通知–用户可以设置自己创建的通知的设置,并通过这些设置控制所有内容。 Highly Customizable Notfications – Users can set their own settings of the notifications they create and control everything through the settings.
通知统计信息-用户将有一个专用页面来统计每个通知的统计信息,以查看其工作情况。Notifications Statistics – Users will have a dedicated page for statistics for each of their notifications to see how they are doing.
通知转换–用户可以查看和跟踪特定通知生成的转换。Notifications Conversions – Users can see and track the conversions generated by specific notifications.
发票系统–用户可以看到他们所支付的所有款项并获得发票。 Invoicing System – Users can see all the payments they made and get invoices.
还有很多.. and many many more..
行政功能Administrative Features
可以通过1个文件进行完全翻译–您在前端看到的所有内容都可以通过1个JSON文件进行翻译。Fully Translatable via 1 File – Everything that you see on the frontend is translatable via a 1 JSON File.
自定义和无限用户软件包–创建/查看/更新/删除自定义用户软件包及其可用功能。 Custom & Unlimited User Packages – Create / View / Update / Delete custom user packages and their available features.
自定义页面和页面类别系统–从管理面板轻松创建和管理您的静态页面 Custom pages and pages categories system – Easily create and manage your static pages from the admin panel
仪表板–快速查看一下平台上正在发生的事情。 Dashboard – Check out what is happening on your platform with great statistics at a glance.
用户管理-创建/查看/更新/删除网站上的所有用户。 Users Management – Create / View / Update / Delete all the users on the website.
完整的SMTP配置Full SMTP Configuration
统计信息–通过查看基于您网站的具有不同统计信息类型的美观图表来查看网站的发展情况。 Statistics – See how your website is growing by checking out the Great looking charts and tables with different types of statistics based on your website.
付款列表–查看并检查您网站上发生的所有付款。 Payments List – View and check out all the payments that happened on your website.
直接从管理面板设置默认语言。Set Default Language – Directly from the admin panel.
付款设置-适用于Paypal和Stripe实施。Payment Settings – For your Paypal and Stripe implementation.
验证码/ Google Recaptcha –带有一个简单的默认验证码,并且可以选择实现Google Recaptcha。 Captcha / Google Recaptcha – Comes with a simple default captcha and has the option to implement Google Recaptcha.
自定义管理电子邮件–为帐户激活/帐户丢失密码电子邮件配置电子邮件内容。 Custom Administrative Emails – Configure emails content for Account Activation / Account Lost Password emails.
管理员电子邮件通知–当您的平台吸引新用户或注册新付款时,您将收到通知。 Admin Email Notifications – When your platform gets a new user or registers a new payment you will be notified.
禁用索引登录页面–并用您自己的页面替换。 Disable Index Landing Page – And replace it with your own.
禁用注册–如果需要,可以完全锁定网站。Disable Registration – To completely lock down the website if needed.
自定义标头JS / CSS –要轻松实现标头脚本代码,例如Google Analytics(分析),Fb pixel..etc,并轻松添加小的CSS样式更改。Custom Header JS / CSS – To easily implement Header jаvascript codes like Google Analytics, Fb pixel..etc and to easily add small CSS styling changes.
折扣和可兑换代码系统–轻松进行促销并为用户提供折扣或可兑换代码。 Discount & Redeemable codes system – To easily run promotions and give your users discounts or redeemable codes.


PHP PHP 7 (or higher)
Extensions cURL, OpenSSL, mbstring, MySQLi
MySQL MySQL 5 (or higher)
Apache with mod_rewrite


更新1.7.7 – 2020年6月20日 Update 1.7.7 – 20 June, 2020
-完全重新设计了如何将像素JS代码从基于用户唯一的像素生成为“按广告系列”生成的JS代码,以便正确利用像素的缓存功能并避免旧系统可能引起的潜在问题。而且,该系统现在可以更清晰地使用并且更直接。- Fully reworked how the Pixel JS code is generated from a user-unique based pixel to a “per-campaign” generated one in order to properly take advantage of the caching capabilities of the pixel and avoid potential problems that the old system might have caused. Also, the system is more clear to use now and more straight to the point.
-改进了“管理页面创建和更新”和“管理页面类别创建和更新”的视觉呈现。 – Improved the visual presentation on the Admin Page Create & Update and Admin Page Category Create & Update.
-改进了“仪表板”页面上的性能。 – Improved performance on the Dashboard page.
-改进了通知创建体验。 – Improved the Notification Creation experience.
-修复了倒数计时收集器通知无法正确显示某些自定义颜色的问题。- Fixed Countdown collector notification not properly showing some custom colors.
-修复了“参与链接”通知错误。- Fixed Engagement Links notification bug.
-固定了小型手机中的优惠券通知响应。- Fixed Coupon notification responsiveness in small mobile phones.
-修复了“管理页面更新”问题,即更新后不删除缓存。 – Fixed Admin Page Update problem not deleting the cache after the update.
-修复了“重置密码”功能不能同时重置2FA令牌的问题。现在,重置密码时,它将完全删除设置的2FA令牌。- Fixed Reset Password function not resetting the 2FA token as well. Now it will completely remove the set 2FA Token when resetting the password.
-修复了通过默认服务器电子邮件发送电子邮件时UTF-8字符问题 – Fixed UTF-8 characters issue when sending emails via the default server email
-修复了Cookie警告,该警告会在网站的控制台中显示像素代码将添加到的警告 – Fixed cookie warning that would show up in the console of the websites that the pixel code would be added to


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