Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器[国外源码]

Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器

Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器[国外源码]

Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃


Architect是功能强大且易于使用的HTML静态网站在线生成器,它除了具有HTML静态网站在线生成的功能,同时还提供独特的功能,如主题和模板的选择,干净整洁的代码,最佳的可视化CSS和图像编辑器 以及更多更多的功能。





PHP 版本 5.6.4 或更高
MCrypt PHP 扩展 (可选,但建议安装。)
PDO 扩展 (默认开启)
php_fileinfo 扩展 (默认开启)
MySQL 数据库


2020 April 22 – Version 2.2.1
新功能 New Features
添加了新的通知系统。 Added new notification system.
添加了可配置的GDPR Cookie通知。 Added configurable GDPR cookie notice.
添加了可配置的确认策略以注册页面。 Added configurable confirmation policies to register page.
添加了分块上传。这使Architect可以以较小的块上传较大的文件,以提高上传的可靠性并避免服务器最大文件大小的限制。 Added chunked uploading. This allows Architect to upload large files in smaller chunks for better upload reliability and avoid server max file size limits.
添加了对XSendFile和XAcceleratedResponse的支持,以减少预览或下载文件时的服务器RAM和CPU使用率。Added support for XSendFile and XAcceleratedResponse for reducing server RAM and CPU usage when previewing or downloading files.
添加了断点续传功能。 Added resumable uploads functionality.
增强功能 Enhancements
现在可以将Builder映像存储在云服务(s3,digitalocean,backblaze等)上 Builder images can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.)
改进了链接管理器在移动设备上的定位。 Improved link manager positioning on mobile.
现在可以从升级和定价页面隐藏特定计划。 Specific plans can now be hidden from upgrade and pricing pages.
现在,设备切换器将禁用无法在当前屏幕尺寸上切换的选项。 Device switcher will now disable options that can’t be toggled on current screen size.
现在可以从管理区域更改项目所有者。 Project owner can now be changed from admin area.
为防止滥用,现在将立即在相同的时间间隔内对更昂贵的计划的订购更改按比例分配的费用,而不是在条带上的下一个计费周期收取费用。 Proration amount on subscription changes to more expensive plan on same interval will now be charged immediately instead of next billing cycle on stripe to prevent abuse.
添加了验证,以在在Architect中启用该设置之前检查服务器上是否设置了x-accel或x-sendfile。 Added validation to check whether x-accel or x-sendfile is setup on the server before enabling that setting in Architect.
现在,在构建器中选择图标时单击“编辑”按钮,现在将打开用于替换该图标的图标选择器。 Clicking “edit” button while icon is selected in builder will now open icon selector for replacing that icon.
将几个内置模板更新为最新版本和引导程序4。 Updated several built-in templates to latest versions and bootstrap 4.
下载大文件时提高了性能。 Improved performance when downloading large files.
现在可以从登录页面和管理区域重新发送帐户确认电子邮件。 Account confirmation email can now be resent from login page and admin area.
现在,“本地化设置”页面将显示所有可用时区。 Localization settings page will now show all available timezones.
如果用户已经登录或订阅,则将其从“计费/定价”重定向到“计费/升级” URL。 Redirect user from “billing/pricing” to “billing/upgrade” url if they are already logged in or subscribed.
公开上传的内容(例如用户头像)现在可以存储在云服务(s3,digitalocean,backblaze等)上。 Public uploads (like user avatars) can now be stored on cloud services (s3, digitalocean, backblaze etc.).
Bug修复 Bug Fixes
现在可以正常上传背景图片了。 Background image uploading will now work properly.
现在,在为项目构建子域URL时,路径名将从URL剥离。 Pathname will now be striped from url when building sub-domain urls for projects.
修复了预览按钮有时会生成错误网址的问题。 Fixed an issue where preview button would generate incorrect url sometimes.
修复了尝试在构建器中加载项目时某些托管服务提供商上会显示403错误的问题。 Fixed an issue where 403 error would be shown on some hosting providers when trying to load project in the builder.
用户订阅页面现在将正确显示父级而非基本计划价格。 User subscription page will now correctly show parent and not base plan price.
修复了一些翻译问题。 Fixed a few translation issues.
修复了名称预览中带有重音符号的项目有时无法正常工作的问题。 Fixed an issue where projects with accented characters in the name preview would not work sometimes.
修复了在文本样式面板中输入的字体大小。 Fixed font size input in text style panel.
向菜单管理器添加了管理员和自定义页面导航栏位置。 Added admin and custom page navbar positions to menu manager.
删除用户后,请正确删除用户项目。 Properly delete user projects after user is deleted.
修正了整个站点下拉菜单中的一些视觉问题。 Corrected a few visual issues with dropdowns across the site.
如果没有足够的空间,图表图例项现在将换行。 Chart legend items will now wrap to new line if there’s not enough space.
其他许多较小的修复和改进。 A number of other smaller fixes and improvements.
2019年12月2日-版本2.2.0 2019 December 02 – Version 2.2.0
新功能 New Features
在管理区域中添加了登录页面以及登录页面编辑器。 Added a landing page along with landing page editor in admin area.
添加了明暗模式以及多种主题功能。 Added dark & light mode as well as multiple theme functionality.
管理区域中的数据表现在具有许多内置过滤器,以简化数据管理。 Data tables in admin area now have a number of built-in filters for easier data management.
用户现在可以将自定义域附加到他们的项目。 Users can now attach custom domains to their projects.
现在可以为用户,角色或计划指定最大项目数。 Maximum number of projects can now be specified for user, role or plan.
现在可以从设置页面中指定用于发布项目对话框的默认FTP凭据。 Default FTP credentials for publish project dialog can now be specified from settings page.
增强功能 Enhancements
现在,链接编辑器将根据可用的屏幕空间更好地定位。 Link editor will now be better positioned depending on the available screen space.
更新了用户仪表板中的项目预览外观。 Updated project preview appearance in user dashboard.
管理区域现已完全响应。 Admin area is now fully responsive.
现在可以从“管理员->外观>自定义代码”页面输入自定义HTML。 Custom HTML can now be entered from “admin -> appearance > custom code” page.
现在可以在移动设备上打开或关闭Builder侧边栏。 Builder sidebar now can be toggled on or off on mobile.
现在,“管理>广告”页面将显示特定广告在网站上显示位置的预览。 “Admin > ads” page will now show a preview of where specific ad will appear on site.
改进了代码编辑器中的html代码格式。 Improved html code formatting in the code editor.
现在将定期删除不再使用的各种文件上载。 Various file uploads that are no longer used will now be periodically deleted.
现在,当用户向下滚动时,将在“新项目”页面上加载更多模板。 More templates on “new project” page will now be loaded when user scrolls down.
用户默认头像现在将根据其电子邮件地址自动生成。 User default avatars will now be generated automatically based on their email address.
管理区域中的模板上传器现在将接受更多的模板文件夹结构。 Template uploader in admin area will now accept more folder structures for templates.
自定义页面不支持“ iframe”和“脚本”标记。 “iframe” and “script” tags are not supported in custom pages.
Bug修复 Bug Fixes
完全重建的外观编辑器“颜色”部分,将解决一些与更改默认颜色有关的问题。 Completely rebuilt appearance editor “colors” section, which will fix a number of issues with changing default colors.
修复了有时无法从“管理员>用户”页面编辑用户的问题。 Fixed an issue where user would not be editable sometimes from “admin > users” page.
现在,在builder中创建新页面将正确设置该页面的SEO选项。 Creating new page in builder will now correctly set that page SEO options.
现在,“查看源代码”按钮将正确突出显示相应元素的代码。 “View Source” button will now correctly highlight code for corresponding element.
修复了与复制现有页面有关的一些问题。 Fixed a few issues with duplicating existing pages.
修复了一些不可翻译的文本行。 Fixed a few text lines that were not translatable.
修复了属性面板中“位置”选项的一些问题。 Fixed a few issues with “position” option in attributes panel.
修复了模板名称有时不可更改的问题。 Fixed an issue where template name was not changeable sometimes.
防止通过del keybind删除html和body标签。 Prevent html and body tags from being deleted via del keybind.
修复了下载的项目有时仍具有指向实际站点的资产URL的问题。 Fixed an issue where downloaded project would sometimes still have asset urls pointing to live site.


Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃
Architect v2.2.1_architect-html-and-site-builder_HTML网站在线生成器[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃

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    4 条回复 A文章作者 M管理员
    1. feiyu


    2. xiaoz


    3. arzn


    4. mike

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