TokenLite v1.1.3 – ICO / STO Token Sale Management Dashboard – ICO Admin Script[国外源码]

TokenLite v1.1.3 - ICO / STO Token Sale Management Dashboard - ICO Admin Script

TokenLite v1.1.3 – ICO / STO Token Sale Management Dashboard – ICO Admin Script[国外源码]-度崩网-几度崩溃

TokenLite v1.1.3 – ICO / STO Token Sale Management DashboardICO Admin Script[国外源码]

TokenLite – ICO / STO Token Sale Management Dashboard for ICO Startup / ICO Agencies or Cryptocurrency Based Company.

Softnio introducing full functional dashboard for managing your ICO / STO token sale. TokenLite – ICO Script brings all kind of components, functional features that helps to Cryptocurrency Agencies / Startup to Lunching their ICO, sale their token, and get contribution from investor.

If you going to start your new business with crypto/blockchain then you might need to run ICO / STO / IEO to sale your token/coin and raising funds or get investment and make your project/product success. You are in right place because TokenLite helps you to do everything very easily.

Our ICO Admin Scripts helps your contributor to purchase your token easily. You can manage your token amount, soft-cap/hard-cap, token price, bonus through each stage and set payment wallet address that automatically apply on purchase process.

It’s support major and most popular cryptocurrency (ETH, LTC, BTC, BCH, BNB, TRX, XLM, XRP, USDT, USDC, DASH) with fiat currency (USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, TRY, NGN, INR, RUB) so helps you sales your token in any currency. You can easily manage which currency will be accept or not and also can be set based currency your own.

It has built-in referral bonus management system so investor/contributor can invite more people to bring into your platform. You can specify the bonus amount for both user as who invite and who join and bonus will automatically adjust once transaction approved.

TokenLite included 2 Layer security option as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for every users so they can protect their account more strongly. Also system allow to change password through email confirmation which give more security for users.

In latest version included export option that allow to download all the transaction/user list in CSV with different edition (Entire, Compact, Minimal). Export also allows on after search/filter which is helps you get perfect export data for reuse.

Backbone of TokenLite is Laravel v5.7 – the most popular and secure PHP web framework. It also used jQuery, Bootstrap v4 and Back-end UI of TokenWiz. You can easily customize everything, add your own functionality, other php-library, add-on or module, if you familiar with PHP/Laravel.

Softnio推出了用于管理ICO / STO代币销售的全功能仪表板。 TokenLite – ICO脚本带来了各种组件,功能特性,有助于加密货币代理商/初创公司开始为其ICO午餐,出售其代币并获得投资者的贡献。

如果您打算通过加密/区块链开始您的新业务,那么您可能需要运行ICO / STO / IEO来出售您的代币/硬币并筹集资金或获得投资或使项目/产品成功。您来对地方了,因为TokenLite可帮助您轻松完成所有工作。


它支持法定货币(美元,英镑,欧元,加元,澳元,土耳其里拉,NGN,印度卢比, RUB),因此可以帮助您以任何货币销售代币。您可以轻松管理接受或不接受哪种货币,也可以根据自己的需要设置货币。




TokenLite的骨干是Laravel v5.7 –最流行和最安全的PHP Web框架。它还使用jQuery,Bootstrap v4和TokenWiz的后端UI。如果您熟悉PHP / Laravel,则可以轻松自定义所有内容,添加自己的功能,其他php库,附加组件或模块。




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