WHMCS v7.9.1破解开心版[国外源码]
The new version of WHMCS 7.9.1 is a one-stop solution for hosting companies.
What’s new? https://www.whmcs.com/whats-new/
Several payment methods
Keep several credit card and bank account payment methods for each customer
Server Sync Tool
A new way to synchronize servers and reduce the use of inactive accounts
Free two-factor authentication
Time-based tokens are now freely available in WHMCS 7.8
Client Zone Password Generator
Encourage the use of stronger and more secure passwords
Hide and remove product add-ons
Remove add-ons from the sale and remove them from use
Automatic server configuration
Speeding up the process of adding new servers
Ticket attachment pruning
Remove old attachments to reduce disk usage and reduce liability
Improved Credit Audit
Track who issues loans, as well as a simplified verification process
And much more …
License: b6ffb6699450271d58b12a01c1e6c5a2
Demo:: https://www.whmcs.com/